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The Road to Wellness

Accordo Chiropractic

It is often assumed that if someone watches their diet and exercises, they are healthy. Diet and exercise are essential to good health, BUT achieving and maintaining a state of overall wellness must be continually pursued. Your health and wellness journey should be just that—a journey, not a destination. Goals for achieving better health and wellness should constantly be changing. Once particular goals are achieved, new ones should be set.

Chiropractic care should be one important facet of each person's journey to wellness. The spine houses the entire nervous system, which basically controls every part of the body. When the spine is not aligned, the nervous system can inhibit the body's ability to function properly, causing pain and illness. This being true it makes sense that adjustments to align the spine benefit one's overall health and wellness. 

Often trauma or pain will prompt a visit to a chiropractor. That initial visit should include an exam followed by a discussion about an individualized treatment plan. Remember, wellness is a journey: it takes time, and any chiropractic treatment plan should be adopted as a lifestyle. Regular adjustments, listening to doctor recommendations, furthering your education, and consciously engaging in your personal health are essential in chiropractic care.

When your proposed treatment plan has ended, you have the choice to continue with the progress you have begun, increasingly feeling better and enhancing your quality of life. But unfortunately often, when people start to feel better, they think, "I'm good now; I don't need any more treatment." At this stage, they've reached a fork in the road.

Where the journey goes next requires that they make a decision—one that will determine whether they'll continue on the path to wellness or keep traveling down the same stretch of highway time and time again. Continuing care will ensure quicker relief of pain rather than start over again from square one. 

Let's think about affordability. Do you need a treatment plan that has been personally tailored to correct decades of damage to your spine? If so, would you rather commit to that plan or continually shell out money in co-pays for visits to multiple doctors and specialists as they try to find out what is wrong? Shouldn't costs be judged in light of our goal to feel better and function better, regardless of one's age?

Again, a choice needs to be made. But becoming the best version of ourselves involves making conscious choices every single day. Maintaining health and wellness is a continual journey, not a destination. It is a lifestyle.

Wellness is a journey: it takes time, and any chiropractic treatment plan should be adopted as a lifestyle.



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